Young Ocean Innovators has launched our flagship Young Ocean Innovators Program for high-school students ready to become ocean innovators and leaders.
Applications are now open for our first cohort, and have been extended till March 8 2024 at 11:59PM AEDT. Below are a set of frequently asked questions. If you have a question, please reach out to Alyssa at aseckingercr@student.unimelb.edu.au

Workshops will be held at Princes Pier, Gate House.
Port Melbourne, 3207.
Workshops run from 4 - 6 pm on Wednesdays.
The final workshop in Week 6 will run until 7 pm.
An additional field trip is planned for the middle of the program, details TBC.
Students are required to make their own way to and from the venue.

Why participate in the Program?
As a participant in the Young Ocean Innovators Program, you gain access to a range of benefits.
Gain valuable leadership experience
Build your CV
Learn from experts in the field, and have access to scientists, university students, and leaders in various fields such as Engineering, Marine Biology and Psychology.
Participate in a comprehensive range of immersive, fun and engaging activities for no charge.
Meet other like-minded young people and have fun!
Learn how to make a meaningful impact on our local ocean ​
Become skilled in identifying Ocean problems and discover the oceans potential.
Have a reliable, unique reference for your CV
Be part of a community of like minded students & make real friends!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Young Ocean Innovators Program?
Our programs aim is to leave students equipped with the skills to innovate, advocate for, and conserve our ocean.
With a strong focus on leadership development, STEM and hands on learning, students will hear from ocean experts, as well as have the chance to learn about a future career in the environmental area after school from University students, and early career professionals.
Who is the Program for?
The program is designed for high school students in years 9-11 from schools in the Port Phillip bay area. We are seeking passionate students, eager to know more about our ocean, become ocean leaders and have a basic understanding of the environment.
What time commitment is involved?
Students are expected to attend one 2 hour workshop per week for the 6 week period, as well as an optional field trip in the middle of the program. (80% attendance required to Graduate the program)
Where are workshops held?
Workshops will be held in person at Princes Pier, Gate House Campus, 3207, Port Melbourne. Students are required to make their way to and from the location.